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September 23, 2019

Does That Car Have A History?

  There’s a type of auto protection that occurs before buying insurance. Certainly it is still important to closely examine the cars under consideration and ask pointed questions about them including how they handle in turns, emergency braking, gas mileage and maintenance costs. Just as important is to be comfortable with the party selling the […]
September 17, 2019

Gun Coverage and Safety

Gun ownership is a topic that is often controversial. Regardless your opinion on the subject, it is beyond dispute that many millions of households include guns and other firearms. The existence of so many guns creates special considerations with regard to insurance coverage. Property Concerns Most personal property coverage is provided under homeowners, condominium and […]
September 12, 2019

Being Prepared for Emergencies

Preparing Makes Sense. The likelihood that you and your family will survive a house fire depends as much on having a working smoke detector and an exit strategy, as on a well – trained fire department. The same is true for surviving a terrorist attack or other emergency. We must have the tools and plans […]
August 7, 2019

10 Things your car wishes you wouldn’t do

You do your best to take great care of your car so it can take great care of you. But could there be something you’re missing? You’ll want to avoid these 10 car-owner don’ts to ensure thousands of worry-free miles ahead:   Don’t forget to change the oil. Dirty, gritty oil accelerates engine wear since it’s too […]
July 31, 2019

Do I Need a Business Auto Policy?

Your insurance agent will ask in detail how you use vehicles in your business; who will be driving them; whether you own, rent or lease; and whether you and your employees are likely to be driving their own cars for your business. The answers to these questions will indicate the types of coverage you need. […]
July 17, 2019

Costs Associated With Data Breaches

According to a study conducted by IBM and the Ponemon Institute, the average total cost to a U.S. company of a data breach is nearly $7 million, with an average cost of more than $200 per record that is stolen or lost. Costs are higher in certain industries, such as health care and banking, which […]
July 10, 2019

There is an app for that

One of the most common requests we get as an insurance agency is for an updated ID card which are typically sent out at every renewal on your auto insurance.  However most of us get a lot of mail and are busy so the cards get lost, or never make it in to the covered […]
June 26, 2019

Washington state’s mandatory auto/motorcycle insurance law

Important information about motorcycles Effective July 28, 2019, the 2019 Washington State Legislature passed a new law that all motorcycle drivers must carry liability coverage and proof they have insurance. They are no longer exempt from our state’s Mandatory auto insurance law ( Washington state’s mandatory auto and motorcycle insurance law Washington state’s mandatory liability insurance law (, which […]
June 21, 2019

Motorcycle Safety is a Two-way Street

Drivers: Do You Ever Think About Motorcycles? The vast majority of vehicles on the road are not motorcycles. They’re cars and vans and trucks. It’s quite possible that as a driver you rarely think about motorcycles. This is a problem. “When motorcycles and other vehicles collide, it is usually the other (non-motorcycle) driver who violates the […]
June 13, 2019

Keep Your ATV Adventures Safe

Unique among motor sports, driving all-terrain vehicles combines an exhilarating workout with a test of maneuvering skills and a hearty dose of adrenaline. Fun as it is though, it can be a risky activity. So, take a systematic approach to keeping things safe before, during and after your outings. Before You Go ·         Take a […]

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