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December 14, 2017

Car Insurance – Best & Worst Drivers by State 2017

If you feel like you’re constantly surrounded by subpar drivers, you might be onto something. Car-related deaths have risen a staggering 14 percent since 2015. A report from the III shows that car accidents rates are going up, and so too is the average cost of a car accident. What’s behind these disturbing trends? Two […]
December 11, 2017

Auto Insurance – The Need for Rental Reimbursement

Generally, carrying both adequate liability and physical damage coverage on your vehicle will be enough protection in the aftermath of an accident. However, be sure that you don’t overlook Rental Reimbursement, as it is typically only offered as an option. For example, an accident disables your car. Well, that happens. Your insurance company arranges for […]
December 5, 2017

Home Insurance – Is Your Home Winter Ready?

If you live in a climate that includes cold winters, you know the season creates special challenges for homeowners. In this article, we discuss an icy situation. Ice Dams An ice dam refers to ice that has formed along a roof’s edge. The dam of ice blocks additional water and the pooling water backs up […]
November 28, 2017

Auto Insurance – Accidents happen – even to the most careful drivers.

Knowing what to do after an accident will help you to remain calm and in control.  It can also help you get back on the road faster. Accident Checklist Get help for the injured. Call the police. Remain at the scene of the accident. Warn oncoming traffic. Set hazard lights and flares. Try to remain […]
November 16, 2017

Do you need flood insurance?

Many Americans don’t need to wonder if they need flood insurance — it’s required as a condition of their home loan. But unlike car insurance, flood insurance isn’t required simply because you own property. In these cases, flood insurance raises the same question as other insurance policies do: When does the premium outweigh the actual […]
November 13, 2017

Renters’ Insurance Needs

Persons who live in apartments or rent a residence are fortunate. Most insurance companies can protect their assets and belongings by using a policy that is designed especially for tenants; a renters policy. Typical policies cover your possessions for common causes of loss, additional living expenses related to making other living arrangements, medical expenses for […]
November 8, 2017

Auto Insurance – Vehicle Theft Prevention

The “Layered Approach” to Protection Professional thieves can steal any car, but make them work for yours. To prevent thefts, the National Insurance Crime Bureau (NICB) recommends “Layered Protection.” The more layers of protection on your vehicle, the more difficult it is to steal. The number of layers your vehicle needs varies depending on your […]
November 6, 2017

Business Continuity Planning in 4 Steps

There are many reasons why your company needs a business continuity plan. Having a strategy – before an event happens – helps to maximize the chance your business can recover while minimizing the loss of property, life and assets. Developing your business continuity plan should be a thoughtful process resulting in a plan that can […]
October 31, 2017

4 Things New Small Business Owners Should Know Before They Start a Business

Thinking of a starting up a new small business? Not so fast. From August to September of 2016 venture capital firm First Round Capital interviewed about 700 founders of startup companies and asked them questions about their businesses. Their answers are important to consider if you’re thinking of joining their ranks. The good news? 91 […]
October 28, 2017

Business Insurance – Preventing slips, trips, and Falls in the Workplace

Slips, trips and falls have the potential to be a major cause of injury for your employees and visitors to your premises. There is a common misconception that slip and fall injuries “just happen” and that there is little that can be done to prevent them. The potential for slips, trips and falls can be […]

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