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July 23, 2018


Put the top down and hit the road in Seattle The call of the open road is at its strongest during the summer – and so is the call of the convertible. If you’re one of those drivers who has long dreamed of dropping the top and heading across Washington State and beyond, we here […]
July 16, 2018

Borrowing a car

I’m borrowing my friend’s car … am I covered? Most people have an idea of what’s covered and not covered under their various insurance policies. But at The Miller Insurance Agency, we get a lot of questions about borrowing or loaning a car.  Now that summer is here, and you might be looking to borrow […]
July 11, 2018

Types of Home Alarms

5 Alarms to Consider for Your Home What alarms and sensors do you need in your home? The answer is different for everyone. But, whatever your situation, today’s technology has you covered with options including online monitoring and more. Here are some common alarms, including two everyone needs to have, and three many people should at least consider: […]
July 6, 2018

Signal Your Intent

Auto risk mitigation organization “SafetyFirst” noticed some important statistics from its database of calls into its hotline. They discovered that a significant percentage of its calls involved drivers who did not use their turn signals. That issue was significant, especially since nearly half of their complaints involved: • Improper Lane Change; • Failure to Use […]
June 22, 2018

Protect Your Classic Car

Depending on the type of car you own and your driving history (tickets and accidents), you are likely insured in the standard or preferred auto market. Both markets cover typical vehicles and operators. This allows insurance companies to use a comfortable set of assumptions about expected losses and repair expenses for developing insurance premiums. However, […]
June 15, 2018

Thoughtful Coverage For Business

Commercial Package Policy Our Commercial Package Policy offers Business Liability, Property Coverage, Business Income & Extra Expense, Equipment Breakdown, Commercial Auto, Crime & Burglary, Inland Marine, Excess Liability, and Employment Related Practices Liability (EPL). We also offer coverage specific to wineries, hotels, restaurants, breweries & brewpubs, retail, golf courses, and distribution & supply companies. As […]
June 6, 2018

The 5 things you absolutely must get in writing

If you have something in writing that says who is going to do what and when, the potential for misunderstandings goes way down. By doing so, there is a greater chance you will get exactly what you bargained for. Many of my friends are small business owners, and I always tell them to make sure […]
May 25, 2018

Do You Need Rental Car Insurance?

Maybe you’ve been here before. You’ve just come off the plane, picked up your baggage and gone to the rental car counter. You’re tired from the flight, about to begin an ambitious vacation or a challenging business project. And, this is the point at which you’re asked, “Do you want insurance with that?” Most travelers, […]
May 14, 2018

Fire-wise landscaping tips

Making a Case for a Fire-Wise Landscape You’ve heard all about the record dry weather across the country, and you’ve probably heard about the increased threat of wildfires, too. But, have you considered the fire risk of your own landscaping here in Washington State?   While there’s no such thing as a “fire-proof” plant, you […]
May 8, 2018

Vacation Home Insurance

  4 Things to Consider When Insuring a Second Home Everyone loves vacation. But, vacationing in your own seasonal home? Even better. However, there’s a lot to consider when it comes to protecting your investment in a vacation home, and you definitely want to protect it. We here at The Miller Insurance Agency can help by […]

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