March 23, 2020
AgencyRelief on Insurance policies due to COVID-19
I would love nothing more than get back to Insurance basics, but due to the continued influx of questions from customers, I thought I would share some information. #1 question we have received this week is “Do we have coverage for business interruption or loss of revenue due to COVID-19 and the Corona virus pandemic?” […]
March 6, 2020
AgencyBack to Basics-Homeowners Insurance explained: Dwelling Coverage
This coverage, typically listed 1st on your policy lists how much your home is insured for with it’s attached items if there were a covered loss. This amount is determined by a replacement cost estimate; taking into account the size, style, and finish of your home. Your dwelling coverage typically equals or may be […]
March 2, 2020
AgencyRenters Insurance Explained
There are 3 major pieces to the property policy for a renter also known as a tenants policy. 1. Liability coverage helps protect the insured should a loss they cause damage their rental or should someone be injured on their property and they are found liable for the injury. I recommend $300,000 minimum, but […]
February 11, 2020
AgencyBusiness Insurance Premium Audits
What is the purpose of a business insurance audit? We all know that throughout the year our business can change from where we started out the year. This could have a major effect on your insurance exposure and change your liability exposure. Typically the more sales you have the more risk you have. So as […]
February 11, 2020
1. BODILY INJURY LOSS COSTS While the frequency of auto claims involving bodily injury has fallen over a recent 9-year period, the average cost of claims that do involve bodily injury increased by 32% over the same period. 2. ATTORNEY INVOLVEMENT With attorneys actively pursuing auto accident business, more claimants now have legal representation. These […]
January 23, 2020
Agency10 ESSENTIAL TIPS For Safer Winter Driving
1. Winterize your vehicle – Check your battery, front and rear defrosters, fill up the washer fluid and antifreeze, inflate your tires to the correct pressure, and keep your gas tank at least half full to avoid frozen fuel lines. 2. Clear your windshield – Never pour hot water over the windows to melt the ice and snow. This […]
January 17, 2020
Agency12 Tips for Starting a Small Business That You Need to Know
Even many long-time small business owners would agree with the line from the 1970’s song by the band Faces: “I wish that I knew what I know now.” Over the years of running a small business, owners inevitably gather many lessons about how to grow and run a business more effectively. Thankfully, many of these […]
January 13, 2020
AgencyWon’t 10 Times as Much Insurance Cost 10 Times as Much?
Maybe you think if you have $25,000 in liability coverage and you want $250,000, your premiums will be ten times as much. WRONG! It can be confusing to get all the information you need to make informed decisions about how much insurance coverage you can afford, so we did a cost comparison of premiums charged […]
January 7, 2020
AgencyWhy do my auto insurance rates continue to increase?
Recent Trends Boost Costs for Auto Insurance Does it seem like driving has become more expensive in recent years? It likely has. Since 2014, the U.S. has seen more new cars on the road, and those cars are driving more miles than in years past. The severity of traffic-related accidents has grown worse, and insurance claims for bodily […]
December 17, 2019
AgencyWhat Your Homeowners’ Association (HOA) Insurance Covers; And What It Leaves Uninsured
Learn what to expect from your HOA master insurance policy and what you’ll need to insure on your own. If you live in a development or community that is governed by a homeowners’ association (HOA), you may end up paying less for individual homeowners’ insurance than the average homeowner. That’s because HOAs are responsible for buying insurance […]