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July 13, 2021

Gun Coverage and Safety

Gun ownership is a topic that is often controversial. Regardless your opinion on the subject, it is beyond dispute that many millions of households include guns and other firearms. The existence of so many guns creates special considerations with regard to insurance coverage.  Property Concerns  Most personal property coverage is provided under homeowners, condominium and […]
June 29, 2021

Vacation Home Insurance

4 Things to Consider When Insuring a Second Home Everyone loves vacation. But, vacationing in your own seasonal home? Even better. However, there’s a lot to consider when it comes to protecting your investment in a vacation home, and you definitely want to protect it. We here at The Miller Insurance Agency can help by making […]
June 22, 2021

Make your home wildfire ready

While there are many things you can do to help protect your home from wildfire, these critical actions are essential to making a meaningful reduction in your risk. Together, these steps are the most important and can begin to give your home the best chance of survival. Do these first! Make sure your roof is […]
June 10, 2021

Cyber security tips for small business data protection

Keep your data safe with these eleven cyber security best practices Data protection is a growing concern for many small businesses because cyber attacks are increasing and they might not be prepared to handle them. In 2016, half of small businesses experienced a data breach, and 55% experienced a cyber attack according to a Ponemon […]
May 25, 2021

Shopping for a home? Put insurance on your shopping list, too

Despite the COVID-19 pandemic, the housing market in the United States continues to boom. If you are thinking about buying a new home for yourself and your family, be sure to evaluate insurance needs and costs at the same time you compare prices, locations and property taxes for your dream home. For most of us, […]
May 14, 2021

Use of Credit-Based Insurance Scores in Washington

• Washington Insurance Commissioner Mike Kreidler has issued an emergency rule that prohibits insurance companies from considering credit information in underwriting, or in setting rates for Auto, Boat, RV, Homeowners, and Renters policies. • Consideration of credit-based insurance scores to predict the likelihood of future claims has been authorized in Washington State for more than […]
May 3, 2021

Auto Insurance Rates on the Rise – Why?

  When the number (and severity) of accidents rise, claims costs increase, says Salvatore. “Everything is costing more – from the size of claim settlements to litigation costs, medical costs to auto repair, which has gotten more expensive because people are buying more new, more expensive cars.”  Insurance companies are passing these costs onto you, the consumer, […]
April 30, 2021

How Much Home Insurance is Enough

Personal Liability Besides making sure you have enough protection to cover possible damage to your own home and contents, you should also evaluate your exposure to liability risks. These result from damage to the property of another, or injury to a person, not a member of your household, for which you can be responsible. In […]
April 20, 2021

10-Step Guide to Starting a Small Business

1. Conduct Market Research for Your Startup Business Idea You’ve thought long and hard to come up with your business idea. Now you need a strategy to give your idea the best chance at succeeding. That’s where market research comes in.   You might be asking yourself, “why do market research?” Is it worth your time? It’s […]
March 31, 2021

3 Important Things to Know About Fire Extinguishers

3 Important Things to Know About Fire Extinguishers Whether your home or business is a three-story Tudor, a skyline-grazing apartment, an RV on wheels, skyscraper, or small office space you need at least one fire extinguisher for it. But if you don’t have the right one, or you haven’t checked it recently, you may have a […]

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