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Home » Older Home with Knob & Tube Wiring
June 11, 2020

Older Home with Knob & Tube Wiring

knob and tub wiring in old homes and trying to insure them.  The Miller Insurance Agency Everett Washington
Older Homes with Knob & Tube Wiring
If you are looking at purchasing an older home that has any Knob & Tube Wiring in it whether active or inactive, please read along…
We recently received a quote request for a 1925 home with still active knob and tube wiring in many spaces and although as an Independent Agency with many carrier options at our fingertips, we called 12 carriers and we found 1 carrier that will require an inspection prior to the policy issuance, but that would still not guarantee they would insure it. Even some specialty carriers that used to insure Knob & Tube Wiring have since stopped providing coverage.

We went as far as to find this extremely helpful article from Structure Tech further explaining Knob & Tube Wiring, as well as listing insurance carriers they researched for the article dated in August 2019, please be advised even since then Foremost has changed their acceptance on this type of wiring (at least in the state of Washington).
If you have your heart set on that older house, my best advice is to have the seller have the home re-wired completely before you purchase the home.

Source: Gretchen’s Weekly Wednesday Insurance Tip

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