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November 9, 2022

Auto Insurance Claims Impact on Your Insurance

Automobile Accident Rear End Collision - The Miller Insurance Agency Everett WA

All claims no matter how large or small have the potential to impact your insurance rates. This is specifically true for youth/teen/inexperienced drivers should they have a claim against them. So…
Parents, neighbors, and friends, if your teen is involved in a minor fender bender in the High School parking lot or while driving to or from school, please consider working with the other teen’s parents to pay for minor damages out of pocket.
* This will leave small “at fault accidents” off of your teen’s insurance record which stay on there for 5 years.
* At fault accidents for teens impact parents’ insurance rates greater than if the parent themselves were involved in a similar accident.
* Keeping small incidents off of insurance, period, actually helps everyone’s general insurance rates because its overall losses incurred by a carrier that impacts that carrier’s insurance rates from year to year for all consumers.
One final note to my friends who are parents of teens who drive or are learning to driver; practice parking with your teen, over and over and over again. In my 18 years experience, one of the most often claims for teen drivers is parking lot incidents while entering or exiting a space especially in a school parking lot!
If you ever need advice on whether or not to file a claim especially when teen drivers are concerned, do NOT hesitate to contact your direct insurance representative or give us a call!  We can be reached at (425)212-3505

Source: Gretchen’s Weekly Wednesday Insurance Tip

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