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January 29, 2018

Battling Burglary

Few things give a property owner a sicker feeling than coming home and finding a door that was locked and closed is damaged and ajar. Dreading taking any action, the door is opened and entered and there’s the chaos and loss caused by burglars. Valuables gone, other property broke….in haste during a search or due to destructive whim. Besides loss, there’s sense of violation and helplessness….sometimes even rage.

While blind luck seems to have much to do whether one is victimized by burglary, the truth is there are actions that homeowners can take to significantly reduce the chance that your home will be targeted by thieves. The actions are effective because they recognize that thieves:

• Want to stay anonymous

• Depend upon speed

• Want to do their work in silence

If you take the time to counter the things needed by thieves, you substantially reduce your home’s suitability as a target.

If you don’t have them, purchase and install exterior lighting near doors, including garage doors. Lights that are controlled by motion detectors are particularly effective. However, when possible, place security lights beyond easy reach. Supplement security lighting by keeping tree limbs and shrubs trimmed so that they don’t obscure attempts to case and/or enter a house. . If you have a neighborhood watch, post signs around and let potential burglars know that community eyes maybe be on them.

Burglars, if anything, want to get out even more quickly than they went in! Anything that makes your home a problem for a burglar is a good thing to use. The easiest barrier? Just remember to keep doors and windows locked! Consider using deadbolt locks. Regardless the brand or quality of such locks, they make it more difficult and time consuming to break in. Post signs informing of the use of an alarm system. If you have sliding glass doors, supplement a lock with a solid rod placed in the door’s interior track….anything to make things tougher for burglars. Also, don’t partner up with burglars by giving them access to tools or ladders that would assist break-in efforts.

Naturally an alarm system is good to have. A local alarm along with automatic, central facility contact will make burglars think twice about attempting a break-in. If you’re a dog-lover, critters who like to bark at folks hanging around the household are a definite advantage.

Source – ©The Rough Notes Company, Inc.

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